Met: Juliana Spahr, Joshua Clover, Çağlar Köseoğlu & Anne-Marie van der Meer
Programme in English
American poets and scholars Juliana Spahr and Joshua Clover make a stop in Amsterdam to talk '90s with Perdu! In the first half of this program, Spahr and Clover each will give talks on poetry, art, politics in the 1990s; in the second half, they will participate in a discussion with Perdu editor Anne-Marie van der Meer and poet/artist Çağlar Köseoğlu, as well as read from their own poetry.
Hosted by Perdu in collaboration with the Revolutionary Feminism NL reading group at Casco. The program will be in English, with Dutch translations for the poems when available.
From the website of Commune Editions:
JULIANA SPAHR edits the book series Chain Links with Jena Osman and the collectively funded Subpress with nineteen other people. With David Buuck she wrote Army of Lovers. She has edited with Stephanie Young A Megaphone: Some Enactments, Some Numbers, and Some Essays about the Continued Usefulness of Crotchless-pants-and-a-machine-gun Feminism (Chain Links, 2011), with Joan Retallack Poetry & Pedagogy: the Challenge of the Contemporary (Palgrave, 2006), and with Claudia Rankine American Women Poets in the 21st Century (Wesleyan U P, 2002).
Lauded by sources from Judith Butler to 'Entertainment Weekly', JOSHUA CLOVER’s poetry had received multiple honors including the Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets and a 'Village Voice' book of the year. His poems appear in many anthologies, including three times in the Best American Poetry, twice in Pushcart Prize collections, and one poem in the prestigious Norton Introduction to Literature. He has also translated French poetry extensively; his own poetry has been translated into French, Spanish, Flemish, Polish, Greek, Swedish, and Danish. Born in Oakland and still a Bay Area resident, he has written for The New York Times, The New Yorker, and GQ; he has been a columnist for SPIN, The Village Voice, and The Nation, where he currently writes 'Pop and Circumstance'. He is a Professor of Literature at the University of California Davis.
Spahr's most recent poetry collection is That Winter the Wolf Came (Commune Editions, 2015). Clover's most recent poetry collection is Red Epic (Commune Editions, 2015), and his cultural history of riots, Riot. Strike. Riot.: The New Era of Uprisings, is forthcoming from Verso Books.
Zaal open: 20:00 uur
Aanvang: 20:30 uur
Entree: 7 / 5 euro*
Programme in English
Reserveringen: website Perdu
*korting geldt voor studenten, stadspashouders, vrienden van Perdu, VvL-leden
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