Met: Ricardo Domeneck, Sarah Posman, Mezhgan Saleh, Cissie Fu & Lana Copord
"What is important now is to recover our senses.
We must learn to see more, to hear more, to feel more...
In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art."
- Susan Sontag, "Against Interpretation"
An evening devoted to learning to read with our bodies. With performances & exercises by Lana Čoporda, Ricardo Domeneck, Cissie Fu, Sarah Posman en Mezghan Saleh.
Lana Čoporda, born in Yugoslavia, studied dance at ArtEZ School of Dance in Arnhem. As a dancer, she has danced with Amos Ben-Tal, Giulio D’Anna, Loic Perela and worked with Orly Almi. Since graduation she has created two works: "Take a Closer Look" at Generale Oost and "Zusjes Draaiplaneet" for the Tweetakt festival. Lana works with Dansateliers, Rotterdam, as a resident-choreographer
Ricardo Domeneck is a poet, short fiction writer and essayist, born in Bebedouro, Brazil. He currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany. He has published six collections of poetry and has been translated into a number of languages, including Dutch (Het verzamelde lichaam, trans. Bart Vonck, Uitgeverij Perdu, 2015).
Cissie Fu is an assistant professor of Political Theory at Leiden University College and co-founder of the Political Arts Initiative, which invites 21st-century imag-e-nations of the political through digital technology and the creative and performing arts.
Sarah Posman is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University, Belgium. She is an editor at nY and has published on Gertrude Stein, Deleuze and literature, among other topics. She is the editor of The Aesthetics of Matter (2013) and Gertrude Stein in Europe (2015).
Mezghan Saleh is a performer, choreographer and stage artist. She was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and studied Literary Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
Zaal open: 20:00
Aanvang; 20:30
Entree: 7 / 5 euro*
Reserveren via website Perdu
Programme primarily in English
*korting geldt voor studenten, stadspashouders, vrienden van Perdu, VvL-leden
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