woensdag 25 oktober 2017

Zaterdag 28 okt. 2017: Eigen koers en kompas: autonomie en engagement in hedendaagse kunst

Perdu op het Brainwash-festival

Met: Lara Staal & Marianna Maruyama

Perdu cureert het programma 'Eigen koers en kompas' tijdens Brainwash 2018.

Kunst als domein van autonomie of van engagement: de tegenstelling wordt al decennialang in het esthetische debat opgeworpen. Curator Lara Staal en performancekunstenares Marianna Maruyama verkennen hedendaagse vormen van autonoom en geëngageerd kunstenaarschap en bevragen of een dergelijk onderscheid te maken valt.

Programma in het Nederlands en Engels

Marianna Maruyama is schrijver en beeldend kunstenaar, publiceerde in o.a. Kunstlicht en voerde haar performance 600 Notes uit op de documenta 14 in Kassel.

Lara Staal is curator, programma-maker en dramaturg bij o.a. Frascati en ontwikkelde in 2016 i.s.m. Jonas Staal het Congres van de Utopie.

Kijk voor de meest actuele informatie, ticketprijzen en timetables op www.brainwash.nl

maandag 16 oktober 2017

Vrijdag 27 okt. 2017: Perdu Invites: Two American Poets

Met: Aja Monet & E. Tracy Grinnell

Perdu is honored to share its stage with two distinguished guests from the USA. Aja Monet and E. Tracy Grinnell will read from their poetry to be followed by a discussion exploring the themes and motifs of their crafts.

Programme in English

An internationally established poet, singer, performer, and educator, Aja Monet’s craft is an in-depth reflection of emotional wisdom, skill, and activism. The youngest individual to win the legendary Nuyorican Poet’s Café Grand Slam title, she is recognized for combining her spellbound voice and powerful imagery on stage. Her books of poetry are My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter (2017), Inner-City Chants & Cyborg Cyphers (2015), and The Black Unicorn Sings (Penmanship books). Of Cuban-Jamaican heritage, Monet has performed at world-renowned venues including the Town Hall Theater, the Apollo Theater, the United Nations in New York City, and the NAACP’s Barack Obama Inaugural event in Washington DC.

E. Tracy Grinnell is the author of four books of poetry: Hell Figures (2016), portrait of a lesser subject (2015), Some Clear Souvenir (2006), and music or forgetting (2001). “Helen, A Fugue” was published in the first volume of the Belladonna* Elders Series in conversation with A Pear / Actions are Erased by Leslie Scalapino. Limited edition chapbooks include Mirrorly, A Window, Leukadia, Hell and Lower Evil, Humoresque, and harmonics. Grinnell’s poetry has been translated into French, Serbian, and Portuguese. She currently teaches in the MFA Writing Program at Pratt Institute and lives in Brooklyn, NY. She is the founding editor and director of Litmus Press.

Start: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30
Entrance: 9 / 6 euro (discount)
Buy your ticket in advance at the website of Perdu